Under-developed and post-conflict countries have a large youth population. However, children and young people in these countries face various challenges, including limited access to education and employment opportunities.

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Recognizing the importance of investing in the potential of youth, we work closely with clients to address these barriers and create pathways for their development. Our goal is to create an environment where young people can thrive, overcome challenges, and actively participate in shaping their own future and that of their communities.

Taking into account the specific context and needs of a country and community, we help clients to increase access to primary and secondary school education, vocational training, and programs to support youth. Through our comprehensive approach, we are committed to ensuring that the potential of youth is harnessed, unlocking a demographic dividend that fuels economic growth, fosters social cohesion, and leads to sustainable development in underdeveloped and post-conflict countries.

Proyectos de alto impacto