Our decade-long, uninterrupted presence in challenging and high-risk environments such as Afghanistan enables us to safely and responsibly access and monitor development interventions on behalf of our clients.

Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) refers to the use of an independent monitoring agent to follow and assess projects that are considered high-risk or contentious, or where access may be difficult and dangerous.

We leverage technology-based and proven MEL solutions to:

  • Act as the eyes and ears’ of our clients on the ground where they may not have access
  • Gather monitoring data or validate data from our clients or their implementing partners
  • Help save on costs by providing efficient monitoring, thus, enabling more frequent oversight
  • Verify quantitative and physical outputs of our clients’ interventions

Our ability to access and operate in high-risk areas is not by coincidence; it is by design, and made possible due to:

  • A well-established operational local presence thanks to our field teams and local partners
  • Local stakeholder network of governmental and non-governmental organizations, think tanks and academic institutions, unions and associations, and community leaders
  • Deep insights on the ongoing conflicts and political environments and the related impact at the regional, national, sub-national, and community levels
  • Awareness of local sensitivities and dynamics

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la supervisión por terceros (TPM)

Explore las preguntas frecuentes de TPM para saber cómo nuestros servicios de supervisión independiente proporcionan una supervisión fiable y la validación de datos en entornos de alto riesgo, aprovechando nuestra presencia de más de una década y nuestros conocimientos locales.

Explore more Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning services:

Proyectos de alto impacto