Dr Alemayehu A. Shawul is Assistant Professor of Water Resources and Hydrology, and Director of Research publication, Ethics and Extension at Madda Walabu University, Ethiopia. He has a Ph.D. degree in Water Resources Engineering from the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), India. Dr Alemayehu also obtained BSc and MSc degrees in Soil and Water Engineering from Haramaya University, Ethiopia.
He is a versatile professional with over 13 years of experience in academics and professional research. His PhD thesis focuses mainly on modelling the responses of flood events and sedimentations to land cover changes. Dr Alemayehu has been involved in multiple research and community service projects and he has won numerous research grants from international donors.
Dr Alemayehu has published more than 8 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 book chapters and 5 conference proceedings. His interests include: Water Resources Management, Sustainable WASH systems, Watershed Management, Extreme events, Climate Variability and Climate Change Impact, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications, Hydrologic Modeling, Land Use Change and Land Use Planning, Hydrodynamic and Flood Modelling, and Advanced Statistical Analysis.
AIRF Research Topic: Assessment of climate-resilient WASH systems in chronically flood and drought-prone districts of Southeastern Ethiopia