Our decade-long, uninterrupted presence in challenging and high-risk environments such as Afghanistan enables us to safely and responsibly access and monitor development interventions on behalf of our clients.

Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) refers to the use of an independent monitoring agent to follow and assess projects that are considered high-risk or contentious, or where access may be difficult and dangerous.

We leverage technology-based and proven MEL solutions to:

  • Act as the eyes and ears’ of our clients on the ground where they may not have access
  • Gather monitoring data or validate data from our clients or their implementing partners
  • Help save on costs by providing efficient monitoring, thus, enabling more frequent oversight
  • Verify quantitative and physical outputs of our clients’ interventions

Our ability to access and operate in high-risk areas is not by coincidence; it is by design, and made possible due to:

  • A well-established operational local presence thanks to our field teams and local partners
  • Local stakeholder network of governmental and non-governmental organizations, think tanks and academic institutions, unions and associations, and community leaders
  • Deep insights on the ongoing conflicts and political environments and the related impact at the regional, national, sub-national, and community levels
  • Awareness of local sensitivities and dynamics

Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) FAQs

Explore TPM FAQs to learn how our independent monitoring services provide reliable oversight and data validation in high-risk environments, leveraging our decade-long presence and local insights.

Explore more Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning services:

High Impact Projects